Supplies Available at Designaholic Studio:
DecoArt Americana in Snow (Titanium) White
Iridescent Glitter (coming soon)
Americana Triple Thick Gloss Glaze Varnish
Other Supplies:

This is a super easy project that takes no time at all! First things first, paint your rock white. Give it 2 or 3 coats to get a nice opaque finish. Let it dry between coats.
Next, grab your napkin and separate the layers. Some napkins have 2, others have 3. This particular napkin has 3 layers (the deisgn layer and 2 white layers). Place the design over your rock to make sure you have it where you want it. Take your round paint brush dipped in water and outline the napkin around the rock. Gentley tear the outer napkin away from the design.

Place you torn design on your rock. hold it down and lift one side of it up and brush some Mod Podge over the exposed rock. Lay the napkin down, smooth itout and apply modpodge on top of the glued down section. Repeat this process with the other side of the napkin. Make sure you get all your edges glued down. I like to use my finger dipped in water to go over any napkin ridges or bubbles. Let it dry.
Varnish with Triple Thick Gloss Glaze. While the Glaze is still wet, sprinkle some Iridescent glitter over the entire surface. I like just a little, but you can add as much as you like. Let dry. Add another coat or 2 (or 3) for an extra glossy finish - annnnndddd that's it!
You can see on the dragonfly rock, I have added some shading.I used our

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this quick project. Check out the YouTube video for this project HERE!
Happy crafting!