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Christmas Reindeer Decoupage Canvas Tutorial

Pubblicato da Courtney Samlal il


Supplies available at Designaholic Studio:

8” x 10” Canvas

“Winter Scene” Napkin Set

“Silver Snowflake” Napkin Set

“Silver Snow Crystals” Napkin Set

“Modern Lattice” Napkin Set

Stamperia Mix Media Glue

Gesso – White

Allegro acrylic paint Anthracite by Stamperia

Silver Glitter Paste

DecoArt Craft Twinkles in Silver and Crystal (coming soon)

Snowflake Stencil

Flat paintbrush

#5 round paintbrush

Other Supplies: small piece of course sandpaper, water jar

I cannot believe that we are already into August.  Time is passing so very quickly.  “Christmas in August” has managed to sneak up on me, so I have been working furiously to get some Christmas projects ready for our Blog and for our YouTube Channel.  My first piece of work is a decoupage piece that I did on an 8”x 10” canvas.  It’s wintry and snowy and makes me feel chilly which is a good thing in the heat of our Ontario, Canada August.  Christmas is represented by a lovely wreath along with Santa’s reindeer.  So – here are the step-by-step directions.  Check out the YouTube video (https://youtu.be/utazDf44lHM) and give this home décor piece a go!  You’ll never know how much you’ll enjoy this project unless you give it a try.  Here we go: -

  • Tear good size pieces off the three background napkins (silver snow crystals and Modern Lattice napkin sets) – enough to cover the canvas. Refer to the picture.  Leave the space empty where you are going to place the wreath so there is a nice white background.
  • Separate the layers of the napkin pieces.
  • Starting in the upper right corner put mix media glue onto the canvas in the corner, place your napkin piece down, brush mix media glue over the top and continue this process until the entire snowflake piece is glued down
  • Repeat this process until all pieces have been applied to the canvas. Do the two darker pieces first and finally the second snowflake design.
  • Let dry!
  • Gently tear around the wreath and separate the layers place the wreath onto its space but don’t glue it down just yet.  
  • Lift the 3 edges of the wreath that overlap the background napkin and using an old, small scruffy brush, paint some Gesso over the background napkin under those edges. Try and keep the wreath from sticking to the Gesso.  You can use our finger to apply the gesso if you prefer.
  • Allow the Gesso to dry and then glue the wreath down using the same method as you used for the background pieces.
  • Let dry!
  • Tear some darker snowflakes from the Silver Snowflake napkin, separate them and glue them here and there on the canvas.
  • Using Gesso blend over the edges that are particularly obvious (dark grey on white especially)
  • Use some Gesso in the same way along the top of the canvas, a little here and there on the grey napkin. The idea is to make the canvas look snowy. Be careful not to use too much Gesso though, you need some contrast.
  • Referring to the photo use your #5 round brush to do some shading with Anthracite. Shade in some of the grey lattice areas. This makes areas pop. Go around the wreath as well.  If you are uncomfortable with this process, definitely check out our YouTube video tutorial (https://youtu.be/utazDf44lHM) where you can see how easy it really is.
  • Let dry!
  • Here and there, stencil on some snowflakes using the silver glitter paste. Make sure to leave room in the upper left corner for the flying reindeer to be stenciled on with the silver glitter paste.
  • Let dry!
  • Stencil on the flying reindeer and the little stars.
  • Let dry!
  • Shade around the reindeer and the stars with Anthracite in the same way as you did in the lattice background.
  • Use your round brush to haphazardly paint on silver Craft Twinkles in four corners across top and bottom and down both sides. Extend the glitter onto the canvas here and there.
  • Let dry!

And there you have it!  You have created a Christmas masterpiece for your home.  Varnish the piece with Matte or Satin varnish if you like, put it into a frame as the finishing touch and smile proudly when your friends and family compliment your work.

Now I leave you with my mantra, “try it, you’ll love it”.  Have a fun crafting day.

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